Friday, 30 December 2011

52:41 House hunting

Before I get on with some much needed tidying I am havign a quick look at houses in Norwich, which is where we plan to move to soon. Currently I am guessing a budget because we won't know what we can afford until James gets a job in the area. However like every other house hunter I do have a list of requirements that I will probably have to end up compromising on:

House not a flat. I am happy with people either side but it doesn't quite feel like home when you have someone above or below you.

2 bedrooms. Quite a biggy for two reasons; 1. We want people to be able to come and stay with us and 2. we currently have a flat consisting of one bedroom, one kitchen, one bathroom and one reception room... and we have a LOT of stuff. I like to think of us as sentimentally materialistic i.e. we like things because of what they mean to us... but if they were all stolen we wouldn't mourn their monetary value.

Cat friendly. By which I mean somewhere where we are allowed to bring Athena and hopefully somwhere with a cat flap or at least a back door.

Unfurnished. We would like to build up a stock of our own furniture and this is hard to do when you have no space to add to. Of course this also means we'll be living on pillows and blankets on the floor for a while but... there you go!

Non-student area. Norwich is home to the University of East Anglia and thus there are quite a few students. It may be cheaper but I would rather go a bit hungry than live inbetween student accomodations. No offence to any students reading this.

Central heating. I guess this isn't a must but I would quite appreciate being able to control the temperature of where I live. We currently have storage heaters. I hate storage heaters.

Shower. James' stipulation. 

So people... if you find a place that matches the above for less than £600 a months... send the details my way!!

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