Saturday, 7 May 2011

52:18 Our house, is a very very very fine house

Okay, so it isn’t a house... it is a flat. But it is more than very, very, very fine. It is amazing.

So James and I have had a bit of a whirlwind few weeks. There has been a lot going on for us; some nerves, lots of stress, but even more excitement. We have started renting a flat in Ipswich, a town about 11 miles away from the one where we lived with my parents.

It all started last month when I had that job interview where I was horribly ill. When we found out I didn’t get it we made a decision: Let’s stop waiting around until we have more money, or we have jobs outside Suffolk, or until everything is perfect” ... because perfect is something you can create yourself by letting go of your ideals and focusing on the here and now. You soon find out that “just settling” isn’t actually settling at all – it is discovering a whole new way of living.

Moving to Ipswich wasn’t our original plan but when we decided to do it there was a great weight lifted from our shoulders. We could finally stop worrying about what we felt we should be doing and just enjoying our lives as they are right now. It has definitely been a much smoother transition than I thought it would be. As soon as we started looking we were excited. Scared, yes, about our scarce amount of income, and frightened, yes, about an uncertain time...

But sitting writing this in my brand new flat, I really couldn’t be happier. At the end of the day all I want is to live with my wonderful husband until the day I die. And right now we aren’t just living together, we are sharing our life together.
We still want our ideal future but, for now at least, we are content to just be. To enjoy our new home, our first together, and celebrate how lucky we are to have found each other from other sides of the ocean.

To be continued... click here.

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