Saturday, 31 December 2011

52:52 Resolutions

It is fitting that my last blog, on the last day of the year should be my resolutions for 2012. The goals I am setting myself to achieve. I am only doing internet related ones this year as personal ones are, well, personal... and not really things you should judge yourself on. These will probably change over the next few weeks but here goes:
  • Write at least three blogs posts a month, which are more than three paragraphs in length, on my blogspot.
  • Film, edit and publish six videos on my personal Youtube channel
  • Film, edit and publish, with James, at least six videos on He Said She Said's Youtube channel, and achieve at least five comments for each
  • Start a regular, professional looking He Said She Said newsletter, and gain at least ten subscribers. Send at least five newsletters during 2012.
  • Learn to crochet to a semi-professional standard and sell at least five items on
FYI these are kind of SMART but obviously in business planning we would be adding percentages and not having wooly language like 'semi-professional standard'. Just wanted to make sure people don't think this is the standard of my communications planning!

Thanks for reading this yearand heres to next year!


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